Las musas de la astronomía y la música, Urania y Euterpe, saben lo cerca que estan estas dos disciplinas. Que se lo digan si no a Pitagoras, o a Kepler, o a Herschel. Hace poco estuvimos hablando de ello, de la música pitagórica de las esferas , de la armonía kepleriana de los mundos y de como el músico William Herschel desbarató el universo clásico, descubriendo Urano en 1781 y ampliando con miles de nuevas "nebulosas" y cúmulos el espacio profundo cartografiado por Messier.
Hoy era obligado echar un vistazo y una fotillo al mundo de color aguamarina. Urano el mago, el cielo mismo, según la mitología, esposo de la madre Tierra. Padre de Saturno, Cronos, el tiempo. Padre tambien de Venus. Abuelo de Júpiter, Zeus, el principal dios del panteón clásico. Y bisabuelo, por lo tanto, de Marte y Mercurio.
Se trata de una foto de apenas una canica. Pero para mí tiene su mérito y valor. Recoge la luz reflejada del sol donde casi se pierde... Sueños de esferas lechosas en el espacio exterior que ocupan todo el interior infinito.
Planeta Urano
Distancia media: 2870 MKm Magnitud ~5.5 Tamaño ~4 arcsec
Mewlon 180/F12/EM-11/ImagingSource Bayer/4 x 150f/15fps
Mewlon 180/F12/EM-11/ImagingSource Bayer/4 x 150f/15fps
1 comentario:
My apologies for placing a non-related comment on your blogsite but I have no other way of directly contacting you. I suspect (hope?) that you may be interested in my work. I have just done a search on those who share my interest in Philip K Dick on Blogger and your details have just come up.
I am a writer based in the UK. My first book Is There Life After Death, The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When You Die was published just over a year ago. Since that time it has sold over 20,000 copies world-wide. However the reason I wrote the book is to get my theory out to the people who may find it interesting. What I think you may find interesting is the similarities between my theory based upon neurology, quantum physics and consciousness studies and the writings of PKD – particularly VALIS and UBIK.
Please take a moment to check out my Blogsite location and website (links below). I suspect that from your interest in PKD that you may have some interesting things to say on the subject. I can send you an email that will allow you full access to my Blogsite Group. Just let me know. You can also put any comments (and I mean any) about the book itself.
This is a genuine approach with no ulterior motivation other then to spread my ideas. I do hope that you would like to get involved.
If you are not interested in me or my theories that is fine but can I please request that you forward this information to anybody you know who might be.
Best Wishes
Anthony Peake
Free Downloadable copy of my book (USA Only):
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